5 Easy Ways to Retrieve RHB Bank Online Transaction Receipts

If you’re an RHB Bank customer who uses online banking, you might want to know how to retrieve your transaction receipts for your records or reference. Whether you need them for tax purposes, proof of payment, or just to keep track of your spending, there are several ways to get your online transaction receipts from RHB Bank.

In this article, we’ll show you five easy ways to retrieve your RHB Bank online transaction receipts, using the RHB Mobile Banking app or the RHB Online Banking website. We’ll also share some tips on how to manage your receipts and why they are important.

What are online transaction receipts?

Online transaction receipts are digital records of your transactions that you make using online banking services, such as fund transfers, bill payments, prepaid reloads, or cash withdrawals. They usually contain information such as the date, time, amount, recipient, reference number, and status of the transaction.

Online transaction receipts are different from bank statements, which are periodic summaries of your account activity and balance. Bank statements usually show only the total amount and description of each transaction, while online transaction receipts show more details and can be accessed anytime.

Why do you need online transaction receipts?

Online transaction receipts are useful for several reasons:

  • They can help you verify that your transactions are successful and accurate.
  • They can help you track your spending habits and budget better.
  • They can help you resolve any disputes or errors that may arise with your transactions.
  • They can serve as proof of payment or income for tax purposes, loan applications, or other financial matters.

How to retrieve online transaction receipts from RHB Bank?

There are five easy ways to retrieve your online transaction receipts from RHB Bank, depending on how you access your online banking services:

1. Share your receipt via the RHB Mobile Banking app

If you use the RHB Mobile Banking app to make your transactions, you can share your receipt via other apps on your phone, such as WhatsApp, email, or Google Drive. Here’s how:

  • Log in to the RHB Mobile Banking app and perform a payment.
  • On the ‘Payment Successful’ screen, click ‘Share’ at the top right corner.
  • Choose the app you would like to share your receipt via (i.e. WhatsApp) and click Send.

You can then save or print your receipt from the app that you shared it with.

2. Download your receipt from the RHB Mobile Banking app

Another way to get your receipt from the RHB Mobile Banking app is to download it as a PDF file on your phone. Here’s how:

  • Log in to the RHB Mobile Banking app and perform a payment.
  • On the ‘Payment Successful’ screen, click ‘Download’ at the bottom right corner.
  • Choose where you want to save your receipt on your phone (i.e. Downloads folder) and click Save.

You can then open or share your receipt from the location that you saved it.

3. View your receipt from the RHB Online Banking website

If you use the RHB Online Banking website to make your transactions, you can view your receipt on the website itself. Here’s how:

  • Log in to the RHB Online Banking website and perform a payment.
  • On the ‘Payment Successful’ screen, click ‘View Receipt’ at the bottom right corner.
  • A new window will open with your receipt displayed.

You can then print or save your receipt from the new window.

4. Download your receipt from the RHB Online Banking website

Alternatively, you can download your receipt as a PDF file from the RHB Online Banking website. Here’s how:

  • Log in to the RHB Online Banking website and perform a payment.
  • On the ‘Payment Successful’ screen, click ‘Download Receipt’ at the bottom right corner.
  • A new window will open with your receipt displayed.
  • Click ‘Download’ at the top right corner of the window.
  • Choose where you want to save your receipt on your computer (i.e. Desktop folder) and click Save.

You can then open or share your receipt from the location that you saved it.

5. View or download your transaction history from the RHB Online Banking website

The last way to get your online transaction receipts from RHB Bank is to view or download your transaction history from the RHB Online Banking website. This will show you all the transactions that you have made for a specific account and date range. Here’s how:

  • Log in to the RHB Online Banking website and click ‘Reports’ tab.
  • Select ‘Transaction History’ and choose the account number that you want to view.
  • Select the date range that you want to view (i.e. from 1 November 2023 to 30 November 2023) and click ‘Search’.
  • You will see a list of all the transactions that you have made for that account and date range, with details such as date, time, amount, recipient, reference number, and status.
  • You can click on each transaction to view the receipt for that transaction.
  • You can also click ‘Download’ at the top right corner of the page to download your transaction history as a PDF file.

You can then print or save your transaction history or individual receipts from the website or the PDF file.

Tips on managing your online transaction receipts

Now that you know how to retrieve your online transaction receipts from RHB Bank, here are some tips on how to manage them better:

  • Keep your receipts for at least six months, or longer if they are related to tax or financial matters.
  • Organise your receipts by date, type, or category, and label them clearly.
  • Store your receipts in a secure place, such as a password-protected folder, cloud storage, or external hard drive.
  • Delete or shred any receipts that you no longer need, especially if they contain sensitive information.
  • Check your receipts regularly and report any errors or discrepancies to RHB Bank as soon as possible.


Online transaction receipts are important records of your online banking activities that can help you verify, track, resolve, and prove your transactions. There are five easy ways to retrieve your online transaction receipts from RHB Bank, using the RHB Mobile Banking app or the RHB Online Banking website. You can share, download, view, or print your receipts anytime you need them. You should also manage your receipts well by keeping, organising, storing, deleting, and checking them regularly.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to retrieve your online transaction receipts from RHB Bank. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact at RHB Customer Care.

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