How to Get Your Driving License in Malaysia (Updated)

If you’re planning to obtain your driving license in Malaysia in 2023, you’ll need to follow the latest requirements and procedures. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to obtain both car (class D) and motorcycle (class B2) driving licenses in Malaysia.

Minimum Age Requirement for Driving License in Malaysia

Before you can apply for a driving license in Malaysia, it’s essential to meet the minimum age requirement. According to the Road Transport Act 1987:

  • Car License (Class D): Minimum age is 17 years.
  • Motorcycle License (Class B2): Minimum age is 16 years.

Additionally, you must possess a valid identity card (IC) or passport to prove your age and citizenship.

If you are a foreigner looking to drive in Malaysia, you will need an international driving permit (IDP) in addition to your original driving license from your home country. You can obtain an IDP in your home country before arriving in Malaysia. Alternatively, if you have a valid visa or work permit, you can convert your foreign driving license to a Malaysian one.

The Process of Obtaining a Driving License in Malaysia

Obtaining a driving license in Malaysia involves several key steps:

  1. Register with a driving school and attend theory classes.
  2. Take the computer test and the eye test.
  3. Attend practical classes and pass the road test.
  4. Collect your probationary driving license (PDL) and display the P plate.

Let’s dive into each step in more detail:

Step 1: Register with a Driving School and Attend Theory Classes

Start by identifying a reputable driving school in your vicinity and enrolling in their driving course. You can search online or seek recommendations from friends or family. The driving school will assist you in filling out the application form, which they will submit to the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

You’ll also need to pay the course fee, which varies depending on the driving school and the type of vehicle you intend to learn to drive. This fee typically covers theory classes, practical classes, the computer test, the road test, and the PDL.

Theory classes, also known as Kursus Pendidikan Pemandu (KPP), provide essential knowledge about road laws and safe driving practices. You must complete a minimum of six hours of KPP01, covering fundamental road law knowledge, and five hours of KPP02, focusing on advanced topics like defensive driving and emergency handling.

Step 2: Take the Computer Test and Eye Test

After completing the theory classes, proceed to the JPJ office for the computer test and the eye test.

  • Computer Test (Ujian Komputer Lesen Memandu – UKLM): This multiple-choice test consists of 50 questions covering the material from KPP01 and KPP02. To pass, you need a minimum score of 42 out of 50.
  • Eye Test (Ujian Mata Lesen Memandu – UMLM): Conducted by a JPJ officer, this test assesses your vision, color perception, and depth perception. A successful eye test is a prerequisite for the next step.

Step 3: Attend Practical Classes and Pass the Road Test

With your computer and eye tests passed, attend practical classes (Latihan Memandu – LM) at your chosen driving school. Practical classes cover various aspects of vehicle control, parking, maneuvering, traffic rules, road signs, and signals. You must complete at least 16 hours of LM01 (basic skills) and six hours of LM02 (advanced skills).

After concluding the practical classes, it’s time for the road test (Ujian Memandu Lesen Memandu – UMLM). This test comprises two parts:

  • Part I: Conducted on a circuit, it assesses your vehicle control, parking, and maneuvering skills.
  • Part II: Conducted on a public road, this part evaluates your knowledge of traffic rules, road signs, and signals, as well as your ability to apply them.

Passing both parts of the road test qualifies you to receive a probationary driving license (PDL). Should you fail any part, you’ll need to retake it after paying a fee and adhering to a waiting period.

Step 4: Collect Your Probationary Driving License (PDL) and Display the P Plate

Upon successfully passing the road test, you will be issued a probationary driving license (PDL) with a validity period of two years. Collect your PDL from the JPJ office or your driving school and affix the P plate (a red square with a white letter P) on both the front and back of your vehicle. The P plate signifies your probationary driver status.

As a probationary driver, you will be subject to the Road Safety System (KEJARA), a demerit point system that monitors your driving behavior. You begin with 20 points and may lose points for various traffic offenses. Accumulating 20 demerit points results in the revocation of your PDL, necessitating a restart of the entire driving license application process.

Probationary drivers must adhere to several rules and restrictions, such as:

  • Prohibited from driving between 12 am and 6 am, unless accompanied by a licensed driver or for work purposes.
  • Prohibited from carrying passengers unless accompanied by a licensed driver or for work purposes.
  • Limited to driving only the vehicle type specified in the PDL.
  • Prohibited from modifying the vehicle in ways that affect its performance or safety.
  • Prohibited from consuming alcohol or drugs before or while driving.

After two years, you can upgrade your PDL to a competent driving license (CDL), which is valid for five years. Be sure to renew your CDL before it expires; failing to do so will require you to restart the entire driving license application process.

Tips and Tricks for Obtaining Your Driving License in Malaysia

Here are some tips and tricks to facilitate your journey to obtaining a driving license in Malaysia:

  • Choose a reputable and reliable driving school with positive reviews and ratings from past students.
  • Study the theory materials thoroughly and practice the computer test online before taking the actual test.
  • Book your practical classes and road test well in advance to avoid long wait times and peak periods.
  • Practice your driving skills with a licensed driver or instructor as much as possible before the road test.
  • Maintain composure and confidence during the road test while following the examiner’s instructions.
  • Comply with the rules and regulations for probationary drivers to avoid traffic offenses that could result in demerit points or fines.


Obtaining your driving license in Malaysia in 2023 can be a straightforward process if you follow the steps and recommendations outlined in this guide. Start by meeting the age requirements, enrolling in a driving school, attending theory and practical classes, passing the computer test, eye test, and road test, and finally, collect your PDL and display the P plate. After two years, you can upgrade to a CDL and enjoy the freedom of driving in Malaysia.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Safe driving!

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