How to Pay i-Suri i-Saraan EPF Using Public Bank in Malaysia: 5 Easy Steps

If you’re a self-employed Malaysian looking to save for your retirement through the i-Saraan voluntary contribution scheme, you can easily make your payments using Public Bank’s online banking or mobile app. Follow these 5 easy steps to get started:

Step 1: Register for i-Saraan

Before you can make your i-Saraan payment, you need to register for the scheme. You can do this online through the EPF website or at the EPF counter or Self Service Terminal (SST). Here’s how to register online:

  1. Visit the EPF website at
  2. Click on “i-Saraan Online Registration.”
  3. Log in with your EPF website account username and password.
  4. Fill in your personal details and confirm your registration.
  5. You will receive a confirmation email with your i-Saraan number.

For in-person registration at the EPF counter or SST, you’ll need to bring your MyKad and complete the Borang Permohonan Caruman Sukarela i-Saraan – KWSP 16G (M) form, which you can download from the EPF website or obtain at the counter.

Step 2: Log in to Public Bank Online Banking or Mobile App

After registering for i-Saraan, you can log in to Public Bank’s online banking or mobile app. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up at or download the app from Google Play or the App Store.

Step 3: Select “Bill Payment” and Choose “EPF”

Once logged in, follow these steps:

  1. Select “Bill Payment” from the menu.
  2. Choose “EPF” as the payee corporation.
  3. You’ll see a list of EPF payment options, including Self Contribution, Account 1 Top-up Savings Contribution, and i-Saraan Contribution. Select “i-Saraan Contribution” and click “Next.”

Step 4: Enter Your Payment Details

Provide the following payment details:

  • Your i-Saraan number.
  • The contribution amount (minimum RM5, maximum RM100,000 per year).
  • The payment date.
  • Your email address (optional).

You can save this payment as a favorite for future transactions. Review your payment details, then confirm the payment by entering your transaction password or authorization code.

Step 5: Receive Your Payment Receipt

After confirming your payment, you’ll receive a payment receipt with a reference number. You can choose to print or save this receipt for your records. Additionally, you can check your payment status and history through Public Bank’s online banking or mobile app.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully made your i-Suri i-Saraan EPF payment using Public Bank in Malaysia. Your contribution will be credited to your EPF account within 3 working days for electronic payments and 7 working days for non-electronic payments. You can check your EPF statement online or at a kiosk to view your updated balance and dividend.

These steps should help you navigate the process of making i-Saraan EPF payments with ease. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to Public Bank or the EPF for guidance. Happy saving for your retirement!

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