How to Remove or Transfer Your Dependent Account in MySejahtera

If you have registered your family members as dependents in your MySejahtera account and you wish to remove them or transfer their accounts to their own, you can follow these easy steps. This can be useful if they have their own phone numbers or email addresses, or if they want to access their vaccination certificates and status independently.

Here are three methods to achieve this:

Method 1: Removing a Dependent from Your Account

This method allows you to remove a dependent from your MySejahtera account. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the MySejahtera app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on “COVID-19 Vaccination” on the home screen.
  3. Select “Remove Vaccine Dependent” from the menu.
  4. Choose the dependent you wish to remove and tap on “Remove Vaccine Dependent” at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Confirm the removal by tapping “OK.”

You have successfully removed the selected dependent from your MySejahtera account. Their information will no longer be accessible through your account.

Method 2: Transferring a Dependent to Their Own Account

This method allows you to transfer a dependent’s account to their own MySejahtera account. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the MySejahtera app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on “COVID-19 Vaccination” on the home screen.
  3. Select “Remove Vaccine Dependent” from the menu.
  4. Choose the dependent you wish to transfer and tap on “Remove Vaccine Dependent” at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Confirm the removal by tapping “OK.”
  6. Ask your dependent to download the MySejahtera app on their own device and register using their phone number or email address.
  7. Instruct them to tap on “COVID-19 Vaccination” on the home screen and then select “Vaccine for…” under their name.
  8. They should verify their name, IC number, and phone number, then tap “Confirm” and “OK.”
  9. Your dependent will need to answer vaccination-related questions and tap “Submit” and “OK.”
  10. They can access their COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate by tapping “Click here to view your COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate” under their name.

Your dependent’s account has now been successfully transferred to their own MySejahtera account, allowing them to access their vaccination information and certificate independently.

Method 3: Transferring a Dependent Using a QR Code

This method involves transferring a dependent’s account using a QR code. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the MySejahtera app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap on “COVID-19 Vaccination” on the home screen.
  3. Select “Add Vaccine Dependent” from the menu.
  4. Tap “Scan QR Code” at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Scan the QR code from your dependent’s vaccination certificate. They can obtain this QR code from their healthcare facility or the online portal.
  6. Verify their name, IC number, and phone number. Confirm by tapping “Confirm” and “OK.”
  7. Your dependent should answer vaccination-related questions, then tap “Submit” and “OK.”
  8. They can access their COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate by tapping “Click here to view your COVID-19 vaccination digital certificate” under their name.

By following these steps, you have successfully transferred your dependent’s account using a QR code, allowing them to access their vaccination information and certificate independently.

In conclusion, these methods offer flexibility for managing dependent accounts in MySejahtera, whether you want to remove them or transfer their accounts to allow independent access.

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