5 Simple Steps to Reset Your PBe Password in 2023

Have you ever found yourself locked out of your PBe online banking account due to a forgotten password? You’re not alone; it’s a common issue, given the multitude of passwords we need to remember nowadays. But fret not, resetting your PBe password and reactivating your user ID is a straightforward process that takes just a few minutes. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Visit the PBe Website

Start by going to the official website of Public Bank Berhad at https://www.pbebank.com/. You’ll encounter the login page where you usually enter your user ID and password. Since you’ve forgotten your password, look for the link that says “Reset Password / Reactivate User ID” below the login button.

Step 2: Select Your Reset Method

You’ll be directed to a page where you can choose how you’d like to reset your password or reactivate your user ID. You have two options: using your account number or your ATM card or credit/debit card number. Depending on the information you have on hand, select the appropriate option and click “Next.”

Step 3: Provide Your Details

You’ll be prompted to enter certain details to verify your identity and account. If you opt to use your account number, input your current PBe user ID, your account type (current/savings/loan/financing/hire purchase), your account number, your identification number (IC/passport), and the security code displayed on the screen. If you choose to use your card number, you’ll need to enter your current PBe user ID, your card type (ATM/credit/debit), your card number, your card expiry date, your identification number, and the security code.

Step 4: Reset Your Password

Once you’ve entered your details, you can proceed to reset your password by creating a new one that meets specific criteria:

  • It must be between 8 to 12 characters.
  • It should contain at least one alphabetical letter.
  • It must include at least one number.
  • It should have at least one special character.
  • Spaces are not allowed.

Enter your new password twice and click “Confirm.”

Step 5: Authenticate and Log In

In the final step, you’ll need to authenticate your password reset using SMS PAC, PB SecureSign, or a SecureSign Token. You’ll receive a code on your registered mobile phone or device, which you should enter on the screen. Once you’ve completed this step, your password will be successfully reset, and you can log in using your existing user ID and your new password.

Congratulations! You’ve now reset your PBe password and reactivated your user ID. You can once again enjoy the convenience and security of online banking with Public Bank.

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