How to Renew Your Driving License at the JPJ Post Office in 4 Easy Steps

Are you looking for a way to renew your driving license without hassle? Do you want to avoid long queues and save time? If yes, then this article is for you!

In this article, we will show you how to renew your driving license at the JPJ Post Office in Malaysia in 4 easy steps. You can do this online or offline, depending on your preference. We will also provide you with some tips and tricks to make the process smoother and faster.

Why You Need to Renew Your Driving License

Your driving license is an important document that proves your identity and allows you to drive legally on the road. It also shows that you have passed the required tests and have the necessary skills and knowledge to operate a vehicle safely.

However, your driving license is not valid forever. It has an expiry date that you need to pay attention to. If you fail to renew your driving license before it expires, you will face some consequences, such as:

  • A fine of RM150 for the first year and RM50 for each subsequent year of expiry
  • A suspension of your driving license for up to 3 years
  • A requirement to retake the driving test to obtain a new license

Therefore, it is advisable to renew your driving license before it expires to avoid these penalties and inconveniences.

How to Renew Your Driving License Online

One of the easiest and fastest ways to renew your driving license is online. You can do this through the JPJ Digital Platform – mySIKAP Portal. This portal allows you to access various JPJ services, such as renewing your driving license, checking your summons, updating your personal details, and more.

To renew your driving license online, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the mySIKAP Portal at
  2. Log in to your user account with your username, password, and security code. If you don’t have an account yet, you need to register first by clicking on the “Register” button.
  3. On the main menu, click on the “Driving License” section.
  4. Next, select the “Renew JPJ” option.
  5. Fill in the required information, such as your MyKad number, driving license number, renewal duration, email address, and phone number.
  6. Confirm your details and proceed to make the payment using FPX or credit card.
  7. Once the payment is successful, you will receive a confirmation email with a receipt and a QR code.
  8. Print out the receipt and QR code or save them on your phone.
  9. Bring the receipt and QR code along with your original MyKad or passport to any JPJ Post Office or eServices kiosk within 30 days to collect your new driving license.

How to Renew Your Driving License Offline

If you prefer to renew your driving license offline, you can do so at any JPJ State/Branch Offices, UTC, 1JPJ Counter, eServices kiosk, or Pos Malaysia Berhad (PMB) offices. However, you need to prepare some documents and fees before you go there.

To renew your driving license offline, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the following documents:
    • Original MyKad or passport of applicants or copies if the transaction is done by representatives
    • Original identification of representatives
    • Original/copy of driving license
    • Personal identification documents of the original representative
    • 1 color photo (white background) with dimension of 25 mm x 32 mm
    • Hold a valid passport (For foreigners)
  2. Prepare the following fees:
    • A yearly fee of RM20.00 for Class B, B2 & C. (RM2.00 for Class A/A1).
    • A yearly fee of RM30.00 for Class D & above.
  3. Go to any JPJ State/Branch Offices, UTC, 1JPJ Counter, eServices kiosk, or Pos Malaysia Berhad (PMB) offices that offer driving license renewal service.
  4. Submit your documents and fees to the counter staff.
  5. Wait for your new driving license to be printed and handed over to you.

Tips and Tricks for Renewing Your Driving License

Here are some tips and tricks that can help you renew your driving license more easily and quickly:

  • Check your driving license expiry date regularly and renew it at least one month before it expires.
  • Choose the online method if you want to save time and avoid queues.
  • Choose the offline method if you want to pay cash or don’t have internet access.
  • Choose the renewal duration that suits your needs and budget. You can renew your driving license for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years.
  • Keep your driving license in a safe place and don’t lose it. If you lose your driving license, you need to report it to the nearest police station and apply for a replacement at the JPJ office.
  • Keep your driving license updated with your current personal details, such as your name, address, and photo. You can update your details online through the mySIKAP Portal or offline at the JPJ office.


Renewing your driving license is an important task that you need to do regularly to avoid fines and suspensions. You can renew your driving license online or offline, depending on your preference. You just need to follow the steps above and prepare the necessary documents and fees.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to renew your driving license at the JPJ Post Office in Malaysia in 4 easy steps. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below.

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