How to Reset Your Security Questions for Touch ‘n Go eWallet in 4 Easy Steps

If you use Touch ‘n Go eWallet, you know how important it is to have your security questions set up. They help you to reset your 6-digit PIN, change your mobile number, edit your profile info and more. But what if you forget your security questions or want to change them? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll show you how to reset your security questions for Touch ‘n Go eWallet in 4 easy steps. Plus, we’ll share some tips on how to choose good security questions and answers that are hard to guess.

What are security questions and why do you need them?

Security questions are a form of verification that you use to prove your identity when you want to access or change certain features of your Touch ‘n Go eWallet account. For example, if you forget your 6-digit PIN or want to change your mobile number, you’ll need to answer your security questions correctly before you can proceed.

Security questions are also a way to protect your account from unauthorized access or fraud. If someone tries to log in to your account from a new device or perform suspicious transactions, they’ll need to answer your security questions as well. This adds an extra layer of security to your account and prevents hackers from stealing your money or personal information.

How to reset your security questions for Touch ‘n Go eWallet

If you have forgotten your security questions or want to change them, you can easily reset them by following these steps:

Step 1: Click the “Profile” icon on the top right of the app homepage.

profile icon

Step 2: Click “Reset Security Question”.

reset security question

Step 3: Enter your last 6 characters of your registered ID

enter ID

Step 4: Set your new Security Question and Answer.

set new question and answer

That’s it! You’ve successfully reset your security questions for Touch ‘n Go eWallet. You can now use them to access or change your account features whenever you need to.

Tips on choosing good security questions and answers

When you reset your security questions, you’ll have a choice of several predefined questions that you can select from. Here are some tips on how to choose good security questions and answers that are secure and easy to remember:

  • Choose questions that only you know the answer to. Avoid questions that are common knowledge, public information or easy to guess. For example, don’t use questions like “What is your favourite colour?” or “What is the name of the first school you attended?”.
  • Choose questions that have consistent and specific answers. Avoid questions that have vague, variable or multiple answers. For example, don’t use questions like “What is your favourite food?” or “What is the name of your best friend?”.
  • Choose questions that are not too personal or sensitive. Avoid questions that might reveal information that you don’t want others to know or that might offend someone. For example, don’t use questions like “What is your mother’s maiden name?” or “What is your religion?”.
  • Choose different questions for different accounts. Don’t use the same security questions and answers for all your online accounts. This way, if one of your accounts gets compromised, the others will still be safe.


Security questions are an important feature of Touch ‘n Go eWallet that help you to verify your identity and protect your account from fraud. If you forget or want to change your security questions, you can easily reset them by following the 4 steps we’ve shown you in this article. Remember to choose good security questions and answers that are hard to guess but easy to remember.

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