19 Most Popular Slang Words for Malaysian Gamers

If you are a gamer in Malaysia, you probably know some of the slang words that are commonly used by your fellow players. But do you know all of them? And do you know what they mean and where they come from? In this blog post, we will introduce you to 19 of the most popular slang words for Malaysian gamers, and explain their meanings, origins and usage.

Whether you play online games, mobile games, console games or PC games, these slang words will help you communicate better with your teammates, opponents and friends.

What is Slang?

Slang is a type of informal language that is used by a specific group of people, often to express their identity, culture or emotions.

Slang words are usually not found in standard dictionaries, and they may change over time depending on the trends, events or influences of the group. Slang words can be derived from different languages, dialects or acronyms, and they can be used in various ways, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives or interjections.

Why Do Gamers Use Slang?

Gamers use slang for various reasons, such as:

  • To communicate faster and more efficiently, especially in online games where typing or speaking can be limited by time or bandwidth.
  • To create a sense of belonging and community among gamers who share the same interests, preferences or experiences.
  • To express their emotions, opinions or attitudes towards the game, the gameplay, the characters or the other players.
  • To show off their skills, knowledge or achievements in the game.
  • To have fun and enjoy the game more.

Most Popular Slang Words for Malaysian Gamers in 2024

Here are 19 of the most popular slang words for Malaysian gamers today, arranged in alphabetical order. For each word, we will provide its meaning, origin and example sentences.

1. AFK

Meaning: Away from keyboard. It means that the player is not at their computer or device and cannot control their character or respond to messages.

Origin: It is an acronym that originated from online chat rooms and forums.

Example: “Sorry guys, I have to go AFK for a while. My mom is calling me for dinner.”

2. Ais Kacang

Meaning: A sweet dessert made of shaved ice, red beans and syrup. It is used to describe a game that is easy, simple or enjoyable.

Origin: It is a Malay word that literally means “ice bean”.

Example: “This game is so ais kacang. I can finish it in one hour.”

3. Boss

Meaning: A term of respect or address for someone who is superior, powerful or influential. It can also refer to the leader of a team or a group.

Origin: It is an English word that was adopted by Malaysians from various cultures and languages.

Example: “Boss, can you teach me how to play this game?” “You are the boss of this clan. You decide what we do next.”

4. Chup

Meaning: A word that means to reserve, claim or book something. It can also mean to pause or stop something temporarily.

Origin: It is a Hokkien word that comes from the sound of sucking air through the teeth.

Example: “Chup! I saw this item first. It’s mine.” “Chup! I need to go to the toilet. Don’t start the game without me.”

5. GG

Meaning: Good game. It is used to congratulate or compliment someone on their performance or outcome in a game. It can also be used sarcastically to mock or insult someone who performed poorly or lost a game.

Origin: It is an acronym that originated from online gaming communities.

Example: “GG guys. That was a close match.” “GG noob. You suck at this game.”

6. Gostan

Meaning: To reverse or go back. It is used to tell someone to undo an action or a decision, or to retreat from a situation.

Origin: It is a Malay word that comes from the English phrase “go astern”, which means to move backwards on a ship.

Example: “Gostan! You made a mistake. Delete that message.” “Gostan! We are outnumbered. Run away!”

7. Jom

Meaning: A word that means to invite, suggest or urge someone to do something together. It can also mean “let’s go” or “come on”.

Origin: It is a Malay word that comes from the English word “come”.

Example: “Jom play this game with me. It’s fun.” “Jom, we are late. Hurry up.”

8. Kantoi

Meaning: To be caught, exposed or busted. It is used to describe someone who did something wrong, illegal or embarrassing and got discovered or revealed.

Origin: It is a Malay word that comes from the Hindi word “kanta”, which means “thorn”.

Example: “Kantoi! He was cheating in the game and got banned.” “Kantoi! She was lying to her boyfriend and he found out.”

9. Leng Zai / Leng Lui

Meaning: Handsome boy / pretty girl. It is used to compliment or flirt with someone who is attractive or good-looking.

Origin: It is a Cantonese phrase that literally means “pretty boy / pretty girl”.

Example: “Wow, you are such a leng zai. Can I have your number?” “Hey, you leng lui over there. Do you want to play with me?”

10. Mampus

Meaning: To die, perish or suffer. It is used to curse or wish ill on someone, or to express anger, frustration or disappointment.

Origin: It is a Malay word that comes from the Arabic word “mawt”, which means “death”.

Example: “Mampus! You killed me in the game. I hate you.” “Mampus! I lost all my progress in the game. I’m so sad.”

11. Member

Meaning: A friend, a buddy or a companion. It is used to refer to someone who is part of a group, a team or a clan.

Origin: It is an English word that was adopted by Malaysians from various cultures and languages.

Example: “He is my member. We always play games together.” “You are not my member. You are my enemy.”

12. Noob

Meaning: A newbie, a beginner or an inexperienced player. It is used to describe someone who lacks skill, knowledge or competence in a game.

Origin: It is an English word that comes from the word “newbie”, which means a new or inexperienced person.

Example: “You are such a noob. You don’t know how to play this game.” “Don’t be a noob. Learn from the pros.”

13. Potong Stim

Meaning: To cut steam. It means to ruin someone’s mood, excitement or enthusiasm.

Origin: It is a Malay phrase that comes from the English words “cut” and “steam”.

Example: “You potong stim lah. You always complain and nag.” “Don’t potong stim me lah. I’m enjoying this game.”

14. Pro

Meaning: A professional, an expert or a skilled player. It is used to describe someone who has high level of skill, knowledge or competence in a game.

Origin: It is an English word that comes from the word “professional”, which means someone who does something as a job or a career.

Example: “You are so pro. You can beat anyone in this game.” “I want to be pro like you. Teach me your secrets.”

15. Rage Quit

Meaning: To quit a game abruptly out of anger, frustration or disappointment.

Origin: It is an English phrase that comes from the words “rage” and “quit”.

Example: “He rage quit the game because he was losing badly.” “Don’t rage quit lah. It’s just a game.”

16. Syok

Meaning: To be happy, satisfied or pleased. It is used to express enjoyment, appreciation or admiration.

Origin: It is a Malay word that comes from the English word “shock”.

Example: “I’m so syok playing this game. It’s awesome.” “You are so syok with yourself. You think you are the best.”

17. Tapau

Meaning: To pack, take away or bring home food. It can also mean to defeat, dominate or destroy someone in a game.

Origin: It is a Hokkien word that comes from the sound of wrapping paper.

Example: “I tapau some food for you from the mamak stall.” “I tapau you in this game. You stand no chance against me.”

18. Walao / Walao Eh

Meaning: A word that means wow, oh my god or unbelievable. It is used to express surprise, shock or disbelief.

Origin: It is a Hokkien word that comes from the sound of exclamation.

Example: “Walao! He just scored a goal in the last minute.” “Walao eh! How did you do that?”

19. Yum Cha

Meaning: To drink tea. It means to hang out, socialize or chat with friends.

Origin: It is a Cantonese phrase that literally means “drink tea”.

Example: “Let’s yum cha after this game.” “I like to yum cha with my gaming buddies.”

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