Pahang’s 5G Leap: Network Coverage Hits 65%, Call Drop Rates Plummet

In a groundbreaking announcement, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has revealed a significant stride in Pahang’s digital landscape. The 5G network coverage in the region has impressively reached 65%, marking a substantial leap towards comprehensive connectivity.

This technological advancement is not just about wider coverage; it’s also about enhanced quality. The region is witnessing a noteworthy decline in the frustration of dropped calls, a testament to the robust infrastructure being laid out.

Taking a hands-on approach, Minister Fahmi Fadzil conducted an extensive cellular service quality test spanning a 31km journey across eight pivotal locations. This rigorous examination wasn’t just a mere check; it was an in-depth analysis involving major telco giants like CelcomDigi, Maxis, U Mobile, Unifi Mobile (TM), and YES (YTL).

The results? A promising future with calls connecting seamlessly, proving that the efforts invested in enhancing the Call Establishment (CRE) function for LTE700 in the 5G network are paying off.

The impact of these enhancements is not just on paper. Some telco providers have recorded a staggering decrease of up to 70% in dropped call issues. But the journey doesn’t end here. Recognizing the continuous need for improvement, the Ministry has taken a proactive stance.

It has urged these telcos to compile a comprehensive report, to be submitted to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC). This step ensures that every hiccup is identified, examined, and resolved, paving the way for service quality that matches international standards.

As we embrace this digital revolution in Pahang, it’s clear that the efforts of the Communications Ministry, led by the vigilant Fahmi Fadzil, are setting a benchmark.

The ministry’s commitment to not just expanding the network, but also enhancing its quality, sends a strong message. It’s not just about connecting points A and B; it’s about ensuring that every call, every transmission, and every byte of data is delivered with utmost precision and reliability.

So, as Pahang steps into this new era of digital excellence, the question isn’t just about how connected we are, but how well those connections are being maintained and improved. With leaders like Fahmi at the helm, the future of telecommunications in Pahang and beyond looks not just promising, but exceptionally bright.

Stay tuned for more updates on this evolving story, and don’t forget to share your thoughts on this digital stride in Pahang. The journey towards seamless connectivity continues, and every voice, every opinion, and every insight counts in shaping this digital narrative.

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