Survey for Security: CelcomDigi’s Initiative to Fortify Malaysian Cyber-Safety

In an era where the digital domain becomes increasingly intertwined with daily life, the specter of online scams looms large. A recent survey reveals a staggering 76% of Malaysians have faced the menace of cyber scams, with losses soaring to RM1.34 billion in 2023.

Against this backdrop, CelcomDigi has emerged as a vanguard, launching the Scam Awareness Survey—a strategic initiative aimed at fortifying the cyber frontlines of Malaysia.

Empowering the Nation: The Scam Awareness Survey

Commencing on Safer Internet Day, 6 February 2024, the survey extends till 15 March, inviting participation from Malaysians aged 18 and above.

Anchored in 307 Pusat Ekonomi Digital (PEDi) managed by CelcomDigi, the campaign is more than a data-gathering exercise—it’s a clarion call for collective vigilance.

Philip Ling, CelcomDigi’s Head of Sustainability, underscores the survey’s dual purpose: to tailor educational initiatives for the public and provide actionable insights for policymakers and enforcement agencies. With a target of 10,000 responses, the survey aspires to be a cornerstone in Malaysia’s strategy against the ever-evolving threats of cyber scams.

Beyond the Survey: A Multifaceted Approach to Digital Safety

CelcomDigi’s commitment to a safer internet transcends the survey. The telco has been a trailblazer, orchestrating the Jelajah Anti-Scam Kebangsaan roadshow, spearheading SAFE @Schools digital safety talks, and crafting a comprehensive SAFE Internet educational resource page.

These initiatives are testament to a holistic approach—combating scams not just through awareness, but through education and resource provision.

A United Front for Safer Internet

The fight against online scams is a collective endeavor. As CelcomDigi lays down the gauntlet with its Scam Awareness Survey, it’s a rallying cry for government bodies, NGOs, telcos, and the citizenry to unite.

The path to a scam-free Malaysia is paved with awareness, preparedness, and cooperation. As the survey unfolds, it’s an opportunity for every Malaysian to partake in shaping a safer, more secure digital landscape.

In conclusion, CelcomDigi’s Scam Awareness Survey is not just an initiative—it’s a movement. A movement towards a future where the digital realm is a haven, not a hunting ground for scammers. As Malaysians, it’s our collective responsibility to heed this call to action and contribute to a safer internet for all.

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