Top Up Your Mobile Credit Easily with MyBSN: Maxis, UMobile, Digi, Celcom

Tired of running out of mobile credit at the worst times? Bank Simpanan Nasional’s (BSN) MyBSN online banking offers a solution. MyBSN enables you to handle various banking transactions online, including topping up your prepaid mobile.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a hassle-free process to top up your Maxis, UMobile, Digi, or Celcom mobile credit using MyBSN in just five simple steps. We’ll also share some helpful tips to make your top-up experience smoother and faster.

What Is MyBSN?

MyBSN is the online banking portal of BSN, one of Malaysia’s largest banks. MyBSN provides a range of services, including:

  • Checking account balances and transaction history
  • Fund transfers to other accounts
  • Bill and loan payments
  • Purchase of insurance and investment products
  • Credit card and personal loan applications
  • And much more!

One of MyBSN’s standout features is the prepaid reload service. This service allows you to purchase mobile credit for yourself or others using your BSN account. You can choose from various mobile operators, including Maxis, UMobile, Digi, Celcom, and more.

Why Use MyBSN for Top-Ups?

Here are several reasons why MyBSN is an excellent choice for topping up your mobile credit:

  • Convenience: Top up anytime, anywhere with an internet connection and a device, be it a smartphone, tablet, or computer.
  • Security: Worry less about losing cash or card details. MyBSN uses robust encryption and verification methods to safeguard your transactions.
  • Flexibility: Choose the desired amount and operator. Top up for yourself or others, such as family and friends.
  • Rewards: Earn BSN Reward Points when topping up via MyBSN, which you can redeem for various rewards like vouchers, merchandise, or cashback.

How to Top Up Maxis, UMobile, Digi, Celcom Using MyBSN

To top up your Maxis, UMobile, Digi, Celcom mobile credit through MyBSN, you need to have a BSN account and register for MyBSN online banking. If you don’t have a BSN account, you can open one at a BSN branch or online. If you already have a BSN account but haven’t registered for MyBSN, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the MyBSN website at
  2. Click on “First Time Registration.”
  3. Enter your BSN account number and IC number.
  4. Create your username, password, preferred name, and online image.
  5. Verify your details and complete the registration.

Once you’ve registered for MyBSN, follow these steps to top up Maxis, UMobile, Digi, Celcom:

  1. Log in to your MyBSN account at
  2. Navigate to “Prepaid Reload” in the left menu.
  3. Choose between “PIN Based Reload” or “PINless Reload” based on your preference:
    • PIN Based Reload: Receive a PIN number that you’ll need to enter on your phone to complete the reload.
    • PINless Reload: The reload amount is automatically credited to your phone number without requiring a PIN.
  4. Select “Mobile Reload” for the prepaid type and pick your mobile operator (Maxis, UMobile, Digi, Celcom) as the service provider.
  5. Enter the mobile number and the desired reload amount.
  6. Select the BSN account you want to use for the payment.
  7. Click “Submit” and confirm your details.
  8. Request and enter the TAC (Transaction Authorization Code) sent to your phone via SMS.
  9. Click “Submit” once more and await the confirmation message.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully topped up your Maxis, UMobile, Digi, or Celcom mobile credit using MyBSN.

Tips and Tricks for Effortless Top-Ups with MyBSN

Here are some handy tips and tricks to optimize your MyBSN mobile credit top-up experience:

  • Save Frequently Used Numbers: Store up to 10 mobile numbers that you frequently top up in your MyBSN account. This saves you the trouble of entering the numbers repeatedly, and you can edit or delete saved numbers anytime.
  • Check Reload Status: Monitor the status of your reload transactions within your MyBSN account. You can also view PIN numbers or receipt numbers for your reloads.
  • Use the Mobile App: The MyBSN mobile app is available for both Android and iOS devices. Download it from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store to conveniently top up on the go.
  • Contact Customer Service: Should you encounter any issues or have questions about using MyBSN for top-ups, reach out to BSN customer service at 1300-88-1900 or via email at


MyBSN offers a secure and hassle-free method to top up your mobile credit, whether you’re with Maxis, UMobile, Digi, or Celcom. Enjoy the convenience of topping up anytime, anywhere, select the amount and operator that suits your needs, and earn rewards for your transactions.

We trust this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to effortlessly top up your mobile credit through MyBSN in just five easy steps. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please share them in the comments below.

Happy topping up!

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