X Unveils Affordable Subscription Plan for Organizations Seeking the Gold Checkmark

In a move that’s set to revolutionize how organizations interact on social media, X, previously known as Twitter, has announced a new, more budget-friendly subscription plan. This strategic initiative is designed to cater to the needs of smaller companies seeking to enhance their social media presence with the prestigious gold checkmark.

Historically, the Verified Organization plan by X, featuring a gold checkmark beside the organization’s name, was priced at a steep RM4500 per month. This pricing structure was out of reach for many smaller entities. Recognizing this gap, X has introduced an alternative basic plan priced at RM940 per month, democratizing access to the gold checkmark.

The new plan is not just about affordability; it’s packed with value. Subscribers to this plan will enjoy not only the coveted gold checkmark but also benefits such as expanded sharing capabilities. This feature is pivotal for organizations looking to increase their outreach and engagement on the platform.

Additionally, the plan includes access to X Hiring, a feature that could be a game-changer for organizations in their recruitment processes. Moreover, the Premium+ support with access to Grok’s artificial intelligence capabilities offers an edge in analytics and social media strategy, empowering organizations to make data-driven decisions.

For those looking for even more value, X has also rolled out an annual subscription option at RM9400 per year, providing a cost-effective solution for long-term planning.

Organizations interested in elevating their social media stature can now subscribe to this new basic plan, available through X’s official website. This move by X is a clear indication of the platform’s commitment to inclusivity and support for businesses of all sizes, marking a new chapter in the realm of social media branding and marketing.

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