BlackBerry to Set Up Cyber Security Centre of Excellence in Malaysia

BlackBerry, the Canadian company that was once famous for its smartphones, is now planning to open its first Cyber Security Centre of Excellence in the Asia-Pacific region in Malaysia.

This was announced by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who met with BlackBerry Cybersecurity president and chief executive John Gianmatteo and Canadian High Commissioner to Malaysia Wayne Robson on October 16, 2023.

Why Malaysia?

According to Anwar, BlackBerry expressed interest to collaborate with Malaysia and invest in the country’s cyber security sector. He said he welcomed the company’s plan and assured them of the government’s support and facilitation for quality investments.

Anwar also said that Malaysia’s stance is to continue to open up opportunities and attract more foreign investors, especially in the fields of technology and innovation.

He said that the government is committed to strengthening the economy and enhancing the country’s competitiveness in the global market.

What is the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence?

The Cyber Security Centre of Excellence is a facility that BlackBerry intends to establish in Malaysia to provide cyber security solutions and services to its clients in the region.

The centre will also serve as a hub for research and development, training and education, and collaboration with local partners and stakeholders.

BlackBerry is a global leader in cyber security, offering a range of products and services such as endpoint protection, threat intelligence, secure communications, identity management, and data privacy. The company has over 40,000 customers worldwide, including governments, enterprises, and organisations in various sectors such as healthcare, finance, automotive, and education.

How will it benefit Malaysia?

The establishment of the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence in Malaysia will bring many benefits to the country, such as:

  • Creating more jobs and opportunities for Malaysians in the cyber security field
  • Enhancing the skills and capabilities of local cyber security professionals
  • Boosting the cyber security ecosystem and industry in Malaysia
  • Improving the cyber resilience and security of Malaysian organisations and citizens
  • Promoting Malaysia as a regional hub for cyber security excellence

When and where will it be launched?

The details of when and where the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence will be launched in Malaysia have not been revealed yet.

However, Anwar said that he hopes that the project will be implemented soon and that he looks forward to working closely with BlackBerry and Canada to make it a success.

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