Claude AI: A New Generative AI Chatbot for Malaysians

Claude AI is a new generative artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that was recently launched by Anthropic, a US-based start-up that aims to create ethical and interactive AI systems. Claude AI is similar to ChatGPT, the popular chatbot developed by OpenAI, but it claims to be simpler, more natural and more positive in its interactions with users.

Claude AI can perform various tasks, such as:

  • Researching and providing summaries of any topic
  • Writing texts on a given theme or keyword
  • Coding in different languages
  • Answering questions and having conversations

Claude AI is available in two versions: Claude, a state-of-the-art model that offers the best performance and features, and Claude Instant, a more lightweight and less expensive version that still provides high-quality results.

Why should Malaysians use Claude AI?

Claude AI is not only a powerful and versatile chatbot, but it is also designed to be ethical and reliable. Unlike ChatGPT, which sometimes generates inaccurate or harmful content, Claude AI strives to relay only trustworthy data and to avoid any bias or negativity. Claude AI also adapts to the user’s preferences and feedback, making it more interactive and engaging.

Claude AI can be useful for Malaysians who want to:

  • Save time and effort in researching, summarizing or writing texts
  • Learn new skills or topics from a friendly and knowledgeable chatbot
  • Have fun and creative conversations with an AI companion
  • Explore the potential of generative AI technology

How can Malaysians access Claude AI?

Claude AI was initially limited to a few countries, but it has recently opened its access to users in Malaysia. Malaysians can now sign up for a free account (or a Pro account for more features) on the official website Users will need to verify their phone number before they can start using Claude AI.

Claude AI can be accessed through a web browser or a mobile app. Users can type or speak their requests or queries to Claude AI, and the chatbot will respond accordingly. Users can also give feedback or ratings to Claude AI to improve its performance and quality.


Claude AI is a new generative AI chatbot that offers a simple, natural and positive way of interacting with users. It can perform various tasks, such as researching, writing, coding or conversing. It is also ethical and reliable, unlike some of its competitors. Claude AI is now accessible to Malaysians who want to benefit from this innovative technology.

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