Want to Be a UI Designer? Here Are 7 Key Steps

UI, short for user interface, is the part of a website or app that users use. UI designers make sure it looks good, works well, and is easy for people to use.

They team up with UX (user experience) designers, developers, and others to make sure it meets both user and business needs.

To become a UI designer in Malaysia, here’s how you can start working towards your career goal:

1. Learn the basics of UI design

ui design element
ui design element example (source: dribbble)

To start designing interfaces effectively, you must first grasp the fundamental principles and top-notch practices of UI design. You can acquire this knowledge through various resources like online courses, books, blogs, podcasts, and more. Here are some essential topics to cover:

  1. UI Design Elements: Learn about crucial elements like typography (how text looks), color schemes, layout structures, icons, images, and more. These elements contribute to the overall appearance and functionality of an interface.
  2. UI Design Patterns: Understand common patterns like navigation menus, buttons, forms, and other recurring elements seen in interfaces. Recognizing and using these patterns enhances user familiarity and ease of use.
  3. UI Design Tools: Familiarize yourself with popular design tools such as Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, etc. These tools are essential for creating and refining interface designs.
  4. UI Design Process: Gain insights into the UI design process, which includes stages like research (understanding user needs), wireframing (creating basic layouts), prototyping (building interactive models), testing (evaluating usability), and more. This process guides the development of effective and user-friendly interfaces.

By mastering these key aspects of UI design, you’ll be well-prepared to create interfaces that meet user expectations and contribute to a positive user experience.

2. Build your portfolio

ui design portofolio
ui design portofolio (source: rolling glory portofolio)

To highlight your talents as a UI designer, it’s essential to present a portfolio of your work. Your portfolio should feature examples of your UI design projects, ideally for real clients or personal initiatives.

For each project, be sure to outline the problem you tackled, the steps you took to address it, and the results you accomplished. This portfolio should vividly illustrate your creativity, problem-solving abilities, and meticulous attention to detail.

3. Network with other UI designers

ui ux connection
find community over the world

A valuable path to learning and advancing as a UI designer involves connecting with fellow professionals in the field. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Online Communities: Participate in virtual communities like Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, and Slack channels. Here, you can inquire about UI design queries, exchange valuable insights, provide and receive feedback, and even spot opportunities.
  2. Offline Events: Attend in-person gatherings such as meetups, workshops, and conferences. These events allow you to meet and engage with other UI designers face-to-face, fostering meaningful connections and learning opportunities.

By actively engaging in both online and offline networking, you can expand your knowledge, gain fresh perspectives, and grow as a UI designer.

4. Find a mentor or a coach

Enhancing your UI design skills and knowledge can also be achieved by seeking out a mentor or coach to provide guidance and support in your career progression.

A mentor or coach could be someone with more experience and expertise in UI design or someone following a similar career trajectory as you.

You can locate a mentor or coach using online platforms like MentorCruise, Designlab, or CareerFoundry, or by tapping into your existing professional network. Having a mentor or coach can be a valuable asset in your journey to becoming a proficient UI designer.

5. Keep learning and practicing

UI design is a continually changing and advancing domain, demanding ongoing learning and hands-on experience. It’s crucial to stay current with the latest trends and technologies in UI design and incorporate them into your projects.

Additionally, actively seek feedback from peers, clients, and users to enhance your work. Embrace the opportunity to challenge yourself with diverse projects that put your skills and creativity to the test. By doing so, you’ll continue to evolve and thrive in the dynamic realm of UI design.

6. Apply for jobs or freelance gigs

find online job for designer
find online job for designer

Once you’ve developed the skills and experience required for a UI designer role, you can begin your job search or explore freelance opportunities that align with your interests and objectives.

Online platforms like JobStreet, Monster.com.my, and Upwork.com offer job listings in Malaysia and beyond. Additionally, tap into your professional network to secure referrals or recommendations from individuals familiar with your work. This approach will help you discover suitable opportunities in the field of UI design.

7. Keep growing and advancing

Becoming a UI designer marks the start, not the conclusion, of your career voyage. Continual growth and progression should be your focus.

Aim to tackle more demanding projects, acquire fresh skills and tools, broaden your professional network, and explore new prospects. You might also contemplate specializing in a particular niche or industry or aspiring to senior or lead UI designer positions. By embracing ongoing development, you ensure a fulfilling and advancing journey in the UI design realm.


UI design is a thrilling and fulfilling career that blends creativity, technology, and user-centered thinking. To embark on your journey to becoming a UI designer in Malaysia, heed these seven steps. It’s worth noting that sometimes the roles of UI designer and UX designer are combined into one UI/UX designer, heed these seven steps:

  1. Master UI Fundamentals: Start by grasping the essentials of UI design.
  2. Craft a Strong Portfolio: Develop a portfolio showcasing your work.
  3. Connect with Fellow Designers: Network with other UI professionals.
  4. Seek Guidance: Consider finding a mentor or coach.
  5. Keep Learning and Practicing: Continuous learning and practice are key.
  6. Apply for Opportunities: Pursue job openings or freelance projects.
  7. Keep Evolving: Focus on personal and professional growth.

By steadfastly following these steps, you’re well on your way to a thriving career as a UI designer in Malaysia.

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