How to Become a UI/UX Designer in the Tech Industry in Malaysia

UI/UX design is the process of crafting user interfaces and user experiences for digital products, encompassing websites, mobile apps, and software.

In this context, UI represents the user interface, the visual and interactive component of a product that users directly engage with. Meanwhile, UX pertains to the user experience, encapsulating the overall impression and satisfaction users derive from their interactions with a product.

The significance of UI/UX design is underscored by its profound impact on how users perceive and engage with a product. A well-executed UI/UX design can render a product user-friendly, visually appealing, and captivating.

Conversely, a poorly designed UI/UX can result in user confusion, frustration, and disinterest. Moreover, a proficient UI/UX design can empower a product to fulfill its objectives, such as enhancing conversion rates, user retention, and brand loyalty.

What are the Differences Between UI and UX Design?

UI and UX design are closely intertwined, yet they entail distinct focuses. UI design centers on the visual and functional elements of a product, encompassing aspects like color schemes, fonts, icons, buttons, layouts, animations, and more. Conversely, UX design is concerned with the emotional and behavioral dimensions of a product, including usability, accessibility, desirability, and user satisfaction.

In essence, UI designers are responsible for crafting the product’s aesthetics and functionality, shaping its visual identity. On the other hand, UX designers are tasked with creating the logical framework and user journey within the product.

While UI designers employ tools like Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, and others to manifest their designs, UX designers rely on tools such as wireframes, prototypes, user research, and user testing to ensure a seamless and user-centric experience.

What Do UI/UX Designers Actually Do?

UI/UX designers play pivotal roles throughout the design process, spanning from concept to implementation. Their collaboration extends to various stakeholders, including developers, product managers, clients, and users.

This collaborative effort involves understanding the problem, defining requirements, brainstorming ideas, crafting mockups or prototypes, testing and validating solutions, and ultimately delivering the final product.

Among the key tasks that UI/UX designers commonly undertake are:

  1. User Research: Conducting in-depth research to comprehend user needs, preferences, behaviors, pain points, and more.
  2. User Personas: Creating user personas that represent different user types and their objectives.
  3. User Journeys: Mapping out user interactions with the product from inception to completion to identify touchpoints and opportunities for improvement.
  4. Concept Exploration: Sketching or wireframing low-fidelity concepts to explore diverse design solutions.
  5. High-Fidelity Mockups: Developing high-fidelity mockups or prototypes that showcase the product’s appearance and functionality.
  6. Usability Testing: Iteratively testing and refining solutions with users to gather feedback and enhance usability.
  7. Design Systems: Establishing style guides or design systems to maintain uniformity and quality across products.
  8. Documentation: Effectively communicating and documenting design decisions and rationales for reference.
  9. Collaboration: Collaborating closely with developers to ensure accurate implementation of the design.

UI/UX designers are integral to the process of creating user-centric and visually appealing digital products.

What are the Important Skills for UI/UX Designers?

To excel in their roles, UI/UX designers must possess a blend of technical and soft skills. Some of these crucial skills include:

  • Design Skills: UI/UX designers require a keen eye for aesthetics, coupled with a strong grasp of design elements such as layout, typography, color theory, and principles like contrast, alignment, hierarchy, and balance.
  • User Research Skills: Proficiency in conducting user research using methods like interviews, surveys, and observations is essential. Analyzing and synthesizing data, and employing tools like affinity diagrams, personas, and user journeys, are also integral to this skill set.
  • Prototyping Skills: UI/UX designers need the ability to create prototypes using software tools like Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, InVision, and more. Conducting tests on prototypes, employing methods like usability testing and A/B testing, is equally important.
  • Communication Skills: Effective communication is vital for UI/UX designers. They must convey their ideas clearly and persuasively to diverse audiences, including developers, product managers, clients, and users. Tools like PowerPoint and Keynote can aid in this aspect.
  • Collaboration Skills: UI/UX designers should thrive in team environments and be adept at interdisciplinary collaboration. Providing and receiving constructive feedback in a respectful manner is a key component of this skill.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: UI/UX designers must exhibit creativity and critical thinking in approaching problems and generating solutions. The ability to adapt, learn from setbacks, and adapt to changes is crucial in this dynamic field.

A well-rounded skill set encompassing these technical and soft skills empowers UI/UX designers to deliver exceptional user experiences and design interfaces that resonate with users.

What is the Education Path for UI/UX Designers?

UI/UX designers come from diverse educational backgrounds, and there’s no set educational path to follow. Some may hold formal degrees in fields like graphic design, computer science, or psychology, while others are self-taught or have acquired their skills through online courses, bootcamps, workshops, and more.

Here are some common routes to learning UI/UX design:

  1. Formal Education: Enrolling in degree or diploma programs related to design or relevant fields at universities or colleges.
  2. Online Courses and Certifications: Taking advantage of online platforms like Coursera, Udemy, edX, and others that offer UI/UX design courses and certifications.
  3. Bootcamps and Intensive Programs: Participating in bootcamps or short-term intensive programs focused on teaching UI/UX design skills, often accompanied by mentorship and career support.
  4. Self-Study: Learning from books, blogs, podcasts, videos, and other online resources that cover UI/UX design principles, practices, and best practices.
  5. Portfolio Building: Creating a portfolio of personal or professional projects to showcase your UI/UX design skills and demonstrate your design process.
  6. Networking and Communities: Engaging with the UI/UX design community through platforms like Dribbble, Behance, LinkedIn, and other professional networks.

The diverse paths available make UI/UX design an accessible and adaptable field for those interested in pursuing a career in it.


UI/UX design is indeed a rewarding and intellectually stimulating career that demands a blend of technical and soft skills. UI/UX designers are instrumental in creating user interfaces and experiences that are not only user-friendly but also visually appealing and captivating.

Their involvement spans various stages of the design process, from ideation to execution, and entails collaboration with a multitude of stakeholders, including developers, product managers, clients, and end-users. Aspiring UI/UX designers have diverse avenues for learning and can acquire these skills through formal education, online courses, bootcamps, or self-study.

For those keen on pursuing a UI/UX design career in the tech industry in Malaysia, the steps mentioned earlier serve as a valuable starting point. Additionally, exploring leading UX/UI design agencies in Malaysia and staying updated on the latest UI/UX designer job openings in the country can offer further insights and opportunities to advance in this dynamic field.

In Malaysia, the salary range for UI/UX designers can vary widely based on factors such as experience, location, and the employing organization. On average, junior UI/UX designers may earn around RM 3,000 to RM 6,000 per month, while mid-level designers can expect salaries ranging from RM 6,000 to RM 10,000 per month.

Experienced senior UI/UX designers and professionals in leadership roles may command salaries exceeding RM 10,000 per month. These figures are approximate and can vary based on the specific circumstances and demand for UI/UX design professionals in the Malaysian job market.

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